Saturday, October 5, 2013

Registro Civil de Santiago

This is not so much a post as an apology.

I genuinely desire to uphold the promise of posting every week. This week, however, I am leaving momentarily to climb on a bus and drive through the night to Temuco, where I will spend the next week in an indigenous village, where I have been warned I will most likely not shower, be attacked by fleas and lice and be stuffed full of fried bread. So, I'm very excited! That's supposed to be funny, but not sarcastic. I am very excited.

I had every intention of writing my weekly post today, Saturday, but I did not schedule into my day waiting in line for 5 hours to get my foreign identity card, a week after arriving in the country, because the civil police have been on strike until now.

I'll tell you that you're not missing much. This is what my week looked liked:

School. Study. Sleep. School. Study. Sleep. School. Study. Sleep. Wait in line for 5 hours.

The real story on study abroad, everyone.

You'll notice, however, that earlier this week I did post a poem. If you don't speak Spanish, I suggest google translate. Aside from some grammar tenses, it is shockingly accurate. My own translation might be forthcoming, when I return fat and flea-bitten, with better stories.

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