Sunday, September 1, 2013

Santiago, Region Metropolitana, Chile

Comparison is the thief of joy. - Theodore Roosevelt 

I'm on the lookout for anclas in Chile!
Found this one outside Pablo Neruda's House

When I climbed into my Chilean host mom's car (her name is Macarena, as in Hey, Macarena!), accompanied by her mother, Lorena and another student from my program Lorena is hosting, for the forty-minute drive from the city center to our neighborhood, Lorena told me that both she and her daughter had hosted more than thirty North American students. When I jokingly asked if she was going to compare us to her past students, she shook her head adamantly, but Macarena piped in, "I'm going to compare them! I want her to be good!"

But comparison, that dirty ladron, has snuck into my experience irrespective of Maca's friendly threat. At times its been comforting, like when I gave a skype tour of my room and my sister told me it looked exactly like her room when she studied abroad. At others, in the rollercoaster of high-lows that has been the past six days, it's been seriously detrimental. 

I arrived here with a familiar fear at my side, that by not looking for opportunities in the right places, I would fail to make the most of this experience. But this time its been steeped in the conviction that everyone else's experience, for whatever reason, is as of yet just a little bit better than mine. 

So I have to remind myself that from the other side of my Facebook wall, my experience probably looks awesome, better than someone else's. I'm going to share some aspects of my current life that are Facebook-friendly, not because I don't want you to know about the moments of fear and self-doubt (Like a lonely night I spent crocheting in my room, which caused my host dad to comment, "You're like 80, aren't you going to go out?") but because I'm choosing to focus on the positive. Because I am blessed by spots of delight and discovery in this new place, just like everybody else. 

Going for a run along the beach of the Pacific Ocean.

Explaining the difference between LJ's and JP's in Spanish while walking in Santiago central.

Enjoying at times bread spread with avocado or dulce de leche, empanadas, sushi and taco bell.

Teaching my host brother Vincente to tie his shoes.

Celebrating Vincente's 9th birthday, an all-day affair that involved a whole host of relatives, sitting around drinking red wine and cup after cup of coffee and tea, and eating second helpings of cake off Avenger-themed plates. Chileans know how to celebrate. 

Singing Revelation Song in Spanish at a wonderful C&MA church I found just a 20-minute walk from my house (Praise God for the internet!) 

So, when you think of me in Chile, think of the joy I'm experiencing with the challenge, and don't forget to wish Vincente a very happy birthday. 

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